Consumers up to 40 spend almost 2 hours a week more with new media than they do with traditional media. via @nguyenduong

My friend @nguyenduong responded to my previous post which shows that there´s a huge difference between those 35 and younger and those older than 35. Those under 35, a staggering 46%  use mobile phone as preffered device for social media services vs only 56% desktop/laptop computer:

What Nguyen sent me was an article showing only 8% of consumers own a smartphone... Would be interesting to see any stats that breaks it down into age. 

Also Gavin Heaton had a great comment: "This will be very interesting as under 35s begin taking senior management positions. It will change the workplace and what we consider "work".

The problem w/google wave is that most talk about it is focused on technology, not people.

"We need to ask what opportunity Wave allows people to express themselves and to understand what other people mean when they contribute a message to a conversation," explains psychologist Leon Watts, who researches communication via computer at the University of Bath, UK.

"Only once Wave has enough users for people to use it for real communication will we know how they will react, though."

"It's people and organisations that will ultimately determine how Wave is used."

"The idea we need to explore is this:What´s the likelihood that a particular stimulus within a social netw. leads to a particular response?"

And Erez Lieberman, whose evolutionary graph theory is encouraging people to think about social networks in a different way: As an evolving population - says:

"In my opinion, as we get better at measuring what happens within social networks, I predict a lot more organised marketing efforts on social networks as well as systematic influence campaigns."

Yes, as mentioned in - it is not the self-interested individuals, but the rest of us that either adapt or reject what we encounter that really matters in the spread and ideas through populations. We need to focus on networks of trust. 

Huge difference between those 35 and younger and those older than 35

A very interesting Gadgetology study by Retrevo. Especially the confirmation that people under 35 use mobile phone as the preferred device for social media services instead of a desktop or laptop computer.

Under age 35: 46% mobile phone vs only 56% desktop/laptop computer.
Over age 35: 19% mobile phone vs 81% desktop/laptop computer.

Stop spending - Start investing!

As brands now are planning for 2010 media and marketing budgets I hope they are realizing where their existing and potential new customers are, and their behaviour.

If you type in online media sites or brand sites into you will see that the trend is clear - traffic going down or flat at best. If you type in any social networking site you will see that most of them are growing - especially Facebook. Search within main categories on Google is in decline.

This means that people are aggregating information through RSS feeds, Twitter and Facebook Fan Pages and that people are spending their time on social networking sites where they create and receive content about i.e brands from their networks rather than actively searching main media sites or brand sites. If you just hired a person naming himself Social Media Expert or Guru, my guess is that this person would advise you to start LISTENING.

"Mrs. Marketing Director, you need to LISTEN! What are people saying about your brand? Where are they? What are they doing? Who are they? When we have done this, let´s get onto twitter, youtube and facebook and start conversations! Conversation is KING! People are in charge! "

Personally I am a bit tired of reading and hearing LISTEN all the time. Yes, it is crucial to use new tools that has enhanced our ability to listen to the marketplace. It´s important to use these data and insights for setting baselines before and during a strategy phase. Use and set up these tools and use data from multiple sources continuously to gain insights and identify patterns for adjusting initiatives launched based on the strategy. And then repeat the whole cycle again and again, until - best case - you don´t need awareness through paid media anymore. Read more about this here;

What´s most important is to take charge and lead. Innovate, create amazing awareness and ACTIVATE. There´s a tremendous opportunity for brands right now. Today brands have the chance of becoming more relevant than ever. Facebook might live on forever, albeit I am 100% sure something new will come that people will migrate to. Something that lets people easier pursuit their main passions. And here´s the key. Why not do it as a brand? People want more qualitative information about a lot less and the possibility to participate.

My advise is that you start investing in multiple niches that fits your target groups different tribes best and help them get more out of the products and services they own. Empower and engage in a market where people is getting more and deeper connected to each other by launching initiatives/ideas based on an ideal, tools or content, that helps groups of people with common niche passions to continuously strengthening their relationships or build new ones.

Create valuable time that moves people from just liking you to LIKING TO BUY FROM YOU. It´s not what your product does that matters most to people. It´s how they SOCIALIZE AROUND IT that matters.

Yes, you NEED paid media to create awareness, support and kick start multiple marketing initiatives, but it needs to be aligned with an holistic approach and planning of a strategy (which needs to be highly adjustable and repetitive) that is set up for the reality of 2010 where there´s no difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing. It´s marketing. Period. The buy button? What other people in their networks are doing. You want positive ROI? This is my suggestion;

Reduce your paid media spending by 50-75% and instead focus on investing in strategies and initiatives that makes your brand ubiquitous in a highly relevant way 365 days a year in todays increasingly socialized marketplace.

Walk The Talk:

EDIT: Read also Gavin Heaton´s excellent post:

Today is Gandhi's birthday.

Today is Gandhi's birthday. He is very relevant in finding answers to fight climate change. The big shift Gandhi made was to explain that having a lighter footprint on the planet was not to be more primitive, but to be more sophisticated as a species.

Please show your support and join other people who understands that the COP15 UN Climate Change Conference this december is the most significant meeting in human history! 

Join "We The People"  Facebook Fan Page, engage and spread the word through Facebook, Blogs and Twitter: 

The Death Of The Website

Steve Rubel has an interesting article about the death of the media website and Ed Cotton asks some obvious questions about it. 

"If media companies don't have websites, what's the point of any brand having one? 

Is the future all about applications and ideas that lock brands into social media? 

If so, this will have huge implications for digital agencies who will no longer be needed to build web experiences and sites."

And his conclusion is, perhaps obvious; 

"The bottom line is if you are an agency and you aren't playing in social media now and adding value to your client brand's experience, you are going to be in trouble"

As I mention in my deck "Walk The Talk" - I believe the stats is telling the truth. Most media websites and company sites show a decline in traffic. But is it the end of the website? As is, as a mere corporate business-card, it definitely is. And news is going social, as mentioned in my presentation.

But still, I think as companies learns and dare to lead and activate they will see that they can play an important role in the lives of their customers providing them with relevant value that has a far more potential than passively advertisements on today´s media news sites. And media, well most of them are still on their high horses desperately clinging on to their position without realizing that for them to play an important role they need to disrupt and re-think their role in society:

We are in the midst of a fundamental marketplace change where only the brave will survive. 

One of my favorite campaigns ever.

What´s my favorite campaign ever?

That´s the question I received from the brazilian planner Carlos Henrique Vilela running  It would be tempting to pull NIKE+, Fiat:ECO or some of Dell´s, Starbucks or VISA´s solutions out of the hat. But those are not really awesome magical pieces of work. Perhaps too much focus on tactics on the execution of the ideals. All have great ideals in my opinion. But awesomeness? NIKE+? Close but no cigar... Their ads should really have been mindblowing to kickstart and maintain traction of the concept, which is brilliant. 

One of my all time favorite campaigns ever is the beautiful, simple, powerful, emotional and social "The Tap Project" by Droga5: (Thanks @caune for reminding me!)

Stop being correct. Enough facts. Be curious, engage - find the ideal, suggest ideas and find the answers!

What´s your favorite campaign ever?