The heart, hustle and soul of the game... Gatorade´s, a PepsiCo brand, stated mission. They have, as most of you have seen by now, an impressive focus on monitoring enabling them to gather valuable insights through their Mission Control:

What I personally like the most, is their official goal to become the largest participatory brand in the world. But what are their bold solutions that truly activate the market and builds meaningful relatonships. How do they use the insight?

> Their Facebook page is all about their campaigns, not particulary activating or relevant.  
> Youtube “the latest and greatest from Gatorade” seems to function as a supporting tool.
> Twitter,!/gatorade, they seem to try to be interested in what their fans are interested in. Not genuin though. Far to seldom. Some activating attempts. Links to their campaigns.
> G Series,, can´t see how this is can work. I don´t know. Maybe it´s because I´m european, but it just feels wrong and false. Relevance? Culturally? Do people become engaged and emotionally more attached to Gatorade through these movies? I have no idea.
> GSSI,, rational. One way street...
> PlayerOfTheYear,, like the idea. Spread it to local heroes. But why they have such a static solution beats me. No energy. No activating. BIG opportunity to build an ongoing 365 day solution enhancing both the athletes and fans universe.
> Quest of G -, a great idea. Where did they show it?Not on youtube as far as I can see. Was it open for anyone? Did they build local heroes? Could people participate somehow? No idea.
> is a nice attempt at storytelling, but how seems to not be part of any activating strategy.
> Leave it on the floor,

....ok, got the picture know? They´re trying to focus on CONTENT,  and are in my opinion not able to activate the market.They seem to be far from connecting meaningful to consumers. Gatorade is not in TOUCH with real people.

It´s not content that´s key. It´s focusing on how to help people to create their own content, aggregate and/or facilitate this through 365 days solutions. Gatorade should be launching and creating ideas, based on their ideal, that continuously stimulates and facilitate how people can create and share stuff themselves. Become part of culture, enable evolution – don´t only react and play ball with the establishment. Be bold! Activate and reward people. And build campaigns on top of this that helps people to after rationalize why what they have been part of is valuable.  

To me this seems to be an outdated strategy and can´t see how Gatorade will manage to become the heart, hustle and soul of the game...

Activate the market:

Remember: Smartphones will eclipse PC sales in 2012

How will you activate so that you can super-serve your passionate community on this platform? How will you reward peoples information exchange?  Time to find out how. Hopefully the focus will not be in the number of opt-ins brands get their hands on, but rather what of value it can offer that enrich their customers life.

I would personally love to work out something utilizing RFID as well -  to be able on location, or near, to serve up the right information or offer. Although I am sure it will be mostly work with Facebook, again... Facebook Places/Deals (and not least building Facebook shops but that is another post)

What are you going to do in 2011?

The HBR Agenda
by Dan Ariely, Tim Brown, Peter Capelli, Thomas H. Davenport, Esther Duflo, Claudio Fernandez Araoz, Lynda Gratton, Vijay Govindarajan, J. Richard Hackman, Herminia Ibarra, Paul Kedrosky, A. G. Lafley, Charlene Li, Jack Ma, Jean Francois Manzoni, Daniel Pink, Michael E. Porter, Edgar H. Schein, Eric Schmidt, Klaus Schwab, Clay Shirky, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Robert I. Sutton, and Laura D. Tyson

In the spirit of the new year, we asked two dozen business and management leaders what projects they'll take on in 2011. Here they share their answers—which range from shaking up the study of economics to lifting the quality of discussion on the internet. We expect these people to make significant headway during the year, and we hope their efforts will inspire HBR readers to pursue similarly lofty projects


From talk to action. And one 2011 prediction...

I decided this year not to create a 2011 list of predictions. It would nevertheless just contain one point: Intuitive obviousness will rule 2011!

Instead I am hereby bluntly and shamelessly presenting some of the work I´ve been part of creating this year.  Having made keynote presentations like Walk The Talk... I thought it might be interesting to show some examples on how we activated the market in 2010 and will continue to do in 2011.

The worlds biggest online studio.

Would you survive 100 years ago?

Do you want to dance?

Do you know love?

Who knows most about football in Norway? (In beta)

It´s been a year where we have been focusing on the necessity of launching ongoing projects, building entrepreneurial spirit internally and together with clients, trying to help clients to educate their organizations to enable a holistic approach to paid, earned and owned media to secure a sustainable business and marketing strategy. With focus on the importance of activating the market, not only use technology tools that enables a more sociable open marketplace to push the same endlessly repeated messages to gain attention. And by God, not only tactics. Or reactive behavior. But to activate and build trust through being part of culture. Becoming a valuable part of people´s everyday life.  

There´s much work to be done... Looking forward to 2011. 

Game = Play! Not points or rewards.

I came around a great post about the “gamification” buzz.  (via @benkunz)

The biggest mistake is when the focus is solely on points, badges and other progress techniques. Using game mechanics in communication solutions should aim to set a goal/s for or together with consumers and based on the brands ideal, build a story together and make it, as Margaret in her post points out, interestingly hard to attain those goals. 

It´s not about quantity, it´s about giving consumers meaningful choices that meaningfully impact the connected world of the brand and the consumers. A world where the brand has to build trust through continiuously giving away something that is experienced as valuable to peoples pursue of meaning and belonging.

I disagree with her on NIKE+ though. It clearly offers high levels of emotional engagement. Just ask Mediafront´s Executive Creative Director, Mathias...

Please read Margaret´s post here:

How to keep Facebook fans onboard

Activate them, not only react.

Build meaningful relationships.  What is meaningful? Vauable and satisfactory activities that is connected to a deeper sense of purpose, as Matthew B. Crawfor says it.

Facilitate resonses that enables them to build on how they want to be positively perceived by their networks.   Something they want or already have invested time and effort into, something they care about in a relevant context.

The brand is not the focus of attention or care. It´s what the brand actively do together with the culture or facilitate for people to better pursue relevant activitities shared with the brands core values for their fans.