What are you going to do in 2011?

The HBR Agenda
by Dan Ariely, Tim Brown, Peter Capelli, Thomas H. Davenport, Esther Duflo, Claudio Fernandez Araoz, Lynda Gratton, Vijay Govindarajan, J. Richard Hackman, Herminia Ibarra, Paul Kedrosky, A. G. Lafley, Charlene Li, Jack Ma, Jean Francois Manzoni, Daniel Pink, Michael E. Porter, Edgar H. Schein, Eric Schmidt, Klaus Schwab, Clay Shirky, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Robert I. Sutton, and Laura D. Tyson

In the spirit of the new year, we asked two dozen business and management leaders what projects they'll take on in 2011. Here they share their answers—which range from shaking up the study of economics to lifting the quality of discussion on the internet. We expect these people to make significant headway during the year, and we hope their efforts will inspire HBR readers to pursue similarly lofty projects
