Game = Play! Not points or rewards.

I came around a great post about the “gamification” buzz.  (via @benkunz)

The biggest mistake is when the focus is solely on points, badges and other progress techniques. Using game mechanics in communication solutions should aim to set a goal/s for or together with consumers and based on the brands ideal, build a story together and make it, as Margaret in her post points out, interestingly hard to attain those goals. 

It´s not about quantity, it´s about giving consumers meaningful choices that meaningfully impact the connected world of the brand and the consumers. A world where the brand has to build trust through continiuously giving away something that is experienced as valuable to peoples pursue of meaning and belonging.

I disagree with her on NIKE+ though. It clearly offers high levels of emotional engagement. Just ask Mediafront´s Executive Creative Director, Mathias...

Please read Margaret´s post here: