
Just had a read through Contagious trend report of the year. Here´s some comments:

1. Movements – The new world order.
Been in the pipeline for some years now. That´s exactly one of the main reasons why purpose tied in driven marketing is key. Exepct more user driven media – but not on old school one way tools like most blog technology these days. Look out for more “democratizied” tools to come. Also read The New Capitalist Manifesto, Clay Shirky, Mark Earls o.s My preso on the subject:

2. Projects, not campaigns.
This is a old one, but just recently being adapted more broadly in our business. Pepsi, Ford, NIKE, Dell, Starbucks, Imsdal, Mack, TV 2, Solo, VW, Tine amongst the pioneers. Look out for more focus on actually improving products and helping customers on the expense of trying to change perceptions about products and services. But please do not forget the magic ingredient, only “useful” gets you only that far. BTW Kudos to brazillian for their OMO Liquido Super Concentrado “Super Nice Training Center”.  It´s key to activate the market:

3. Marketing as service design.
The key for effective marketing is to create solutions that integrate customers and potential new customers even more so that the brand becomes a platform for rich interactions – this gives the brand unique valuable data that should be used to steer future marketing initiatives. Look out for more solutions that i.e morphs mass media and citizen journalism.

4. Social and beyond.
Always on. Yes. That´s all you need to know. 365, 24/7.

5. Identity online.
The user is the hero. Well, in my opinion it´s much more important to serve group dynamics with the copying mechanism in mind.  A person is a person through other persons. So don´t focus on the self-interested individual in your marketing. It´s not about me. It´s about us. We did one go though:

6. Technology
Read all about this here:

7. Data.
Facebook aims at taking everything living. Humans must open up everything. And we just can´t resist. Diaspora and Path will not succeed, yet.

8. Augmented content.
Seconds screens will never merge with the first screens. will be at the forefront in 2012. Right now TV conversations are  drowned in a stream of tweets and wallposts.

9. Money.
Cash is king. Digital is queen.  

10. Hack culture.
The age of remixing is finally taking off. Look out for tons of entrepeneurs. Look out for cultural jamming!

11. Music.
Just one word. The first usefriendly service that gives musicians the cut they deserve will prevail.

12. Content.

13. Retail
Will become more important than ever. The stuff sourunding you will want to talk with you.

14. Gaming.
Game mechanics. Look out for more subtile use of this. Efficient.

15. Publishing new authors awaiting to be published. Well. They don´t wait anymore.

16. Design
Distortion reality field.  

Most important trend:
Trend is for now – love is forever