Three-quarters of Japanese social network users access the sites only from their mobile phones.

Interesting read from MOBILE MARKETING DATA LABO,, and FUTURELAB,–_i.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Futurelab+%28Futurelab%27s+Blog%29&utm_content=Google+Reader,  regarding Mobile use. Mobile has been the hype... the last 3-5 years. Perhaps during next year we will see the mass adoption of using the mobile phone as major access point to the internet in Europe and US. 

I´d say now is the time for brands to position themselves. We are already seeing the need for niche networks. Remember sociology prevails over technology when it comes to engagement, as Soils says. I would put my money on niche networks with hyper local presence nationally and internationally. And this is the right moment for brands to start investing in these solutions instead of continuing spending:

The japanse are a crazy bunch of people... But it would naive to ignore these stats. 

Local. Local. Local.