"Reciprocity takes the form of self-promotion. Culture is to become precisely nothing but advertising"

The title quote is taken from Jaron Lanier, the author of "You Are Not a Gadget" and ex-Wired journalist, who wants a universal system of micro payments. I believe this is a natural step forward. A welcomed step that would help filter out some brands and peoples real values and goals.

But I´m not that pessimistic. I have my doubts from time to time. But I do still believe in people. 

I believe that what will push the evolution of the everyday life, enhanced digitally, are people that are - like Daniel Pink points out in his book "Drive" - driven and motivated by our need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things and to do better by ourselves and our world.

In marketing perspective it´s all about focusing on how we can help people having a better everyday life for themselves and with each other because of your brand. As a brand you need to be the vehicle that enables people to broaden their horizons. Such a great vehicle that people want to live part of their everyday life through your brand.

For that you need a pulse, 365 days a year. You got to LIVE to be able to take part in peoples LIFES. Stop courting people, start living with people. And you need a flexible identity that enables multiple interactions with individuals and people that shares common values and needs. The challenge is how to be flexible but maintain a consistent identity. But as people change and evolve each day, so could your brand...