Overcoming the trust deficit in advertising is all about....

“Overcoming the trust deficit in advertising is all about using social and owned media experiences in ways that give paid advertising more legitimacy”, says Nielsen Global Head of Advertiser Solutions Randall Beard

And how do you give paid advertising more legitimacy?

  1. Identify an ideal that you and your company share with the market.
  2. Find insights. Listen and measure.
  3. Define/refine your business KPI´s
  4. Define/refine your Communication KPI´s that MUST be strongly aligned to your business KPI´s
  5. Create a paid, earned and owned meida audit for your brand.
  6. Act on it by focusing on interestplans vs mediaplans.
  7. Activate! Create different  - ongoing – solutions and find out what roles different tools (mobile, social, digital etc) can play in making this happen. (Social Media, Events etc)

       ...in 100% combination with
        Advertise! Tell people what you do and with whom. ( TV, digital, in-store etc)