Norwegian stats for Facebook

2.2 M Unique visitors
56,3 % Reach  (32% worldwide)
38 Avg visits per visitor (34 worldwide)
21.40 Avg time on site (23.20 worldwide)

OK. That´s a lot of people spending a lot of time. If we break it down to age and gender; No surprise women rule and the middle aged are everywhere... But remember this is not about being seen. It´s about connecting. Contact is king as Malbonster says. So whats important is to find out who we need to reach, who is it we can give value. Again and again so that we build trust? What are they interested in, what are they communicating with each other about. What kind of content do they share in order to prove that they belong, who they are, what they like and how they want to be seen. And what are you doing to add value to these people? Who are you in contact with? What are you providing of value? Or are you just there, shouting once in a while in the hope of getting attention?