How newspapers can survive and thrive both off- and online.

Two ideas on how newspapers can survive and thrive off- and online. 

1. Publish daily print newspapers but don´t try to pretend it´s the latest breaking news. Solely focus on indepth stories about current big news and print loads of hard facts/data around each story - as much as possible. Include and profile contributors that initiated or published great comments on your online site - who is not necessary paid for or employed by you.

2. Turn your online site to a filtered news site where you include and implement user generated news at the same level as your paid journalists. Actually your journalists should be more of a conversation starter and filterer on this platform. Make it possible to filter as much as possible; sports, soccer, soccer team, soccer player, contributor and make it possible to follow content and development on twitter, email, mobile app alert and integrate facebook connect or emulate sidewiki . Make it possible to filter on location - as hyperlocal as possible.

I think that was basically it...