Fantastic! It´s been a while since I´ve been so impressed...

You just need to download and check out this program. A long, long time since I have encountered such a awesome product. What is it?

It´s called Ommwriter and you can download it here: 

It´s a simple text processor that makes writing a pleasure once again. You have a beautiful background environment, different sounds and what not. It is inspiring. It´s meditative. It´s just amazing. Regarding what not... well, I hope this is just the start. That you can create your own background images, sounds, the fonts you want etc. But it´s a great start. Thumbs up!

Rubbishcorp says it best: "
Ommwriter is a humble attempt to recapture what technology has snatched away from us today: our capacity to concentrate"

Thanks @inahill for link :)