66% of norwegians online use a social networking site - 63% do NOT want targeted ads.

Sintef, the largest independent research organization in Scandinavia,  just released an interesting report from Norway. Key findings;

> 66% of Norwegians online use a social networking site in 2009 vs 53% in 2008 (74% female - 59% men)

> 51-60 is the fastest growing segment in use of social networking sites.  52% in 2009 vs 31% in 2008

> 96% of all 15-30 online is using a social networking site

> 60% use Facebook 2009 vs 44% 2008

> 35% use FB daily (15-75)

> 69% of 15-30 use FB daily

> 49% have more than 100 friends

> 69% females updated their status vs 48% of men. 

> People over 40 are quiz maniacs

>   9% on Twitter in 2009 

> 14% are worried about misuse of personal information as reason to NOT use a social networking site

> 94% believes it is important to have control over perosnal information

> 67% are worried about the concequences of sharing personal information

> 63% do not appreciate targeted ads

> 58% believe they have lost control over how personal information is collected and used by commercial companies. 

A person does what other persons in their network do. If everybody else is giving away details and using Facebook, then ok I´ll do it to. Still we´re worried, and do not understand the terms.